Friday, February 08, 2008

Come on catch up

Well, high time I updated on various activities. It all went quiet after our epic Kilimanjaro climb..mainly because I wanted a bit of a break after the frantic fundraising and trip organising. But it was of course worth it. Never forget that.

Anyway, the cool things that have happened since then are:

- Spannerfest, the best rocking free party style rave any employer of mine ever organised. Long may it last. Especially memorable was the 'raffle' for the Killy climb prizes (we forgot to give away several prizes..eek!), the night time mountain bikers showing up half way through for a quick beer, and of course the 'special' state of every single spannerworker. Brilliant.

- I now have my own (rented) flat. Bliss. Worrying amount of R4 going on though, blamed on not having any other sort of entertainment previously for 2 months, sort of like being in the dark ages. But when the stereo speakers and panel TV were up and the broadband /cable switch was flicked..oh joy.

- My first shoot season was magic. Nothing beats those crisp winter mornings on the farm. It really relaxes me and I can forget about it all for a while. A bird or two is a bonus. I bagged my first duck on the last day of the season, and managed to donate a bird or two to friends. Memorable moment came in the form of shooting a pheasant..which then proceeded to land on a cows head. Poor old cow, got the shock of its life (same said for the pheasant I guess). Now its back to the work parties and getting the pens ready for next season. I still wont eat that crap they call chicken in a supermarket, but a bird that has led a free life is a million times better in my book. Plus these ones get a sporting chance. And they are wiley buggers by the end of the season. Good on them.

- More bike rides up on the downs with Jim, Dave and Jonny. Always a pleasure, even more so in the winter when the sun pops out. Been trying to get out as much as possible I am off to Whistler boarding for 2 weeks imminently and our friend out there Rupe tells me the legs better hold up. So bike riding and running are order of the day currently. Now that trip..I cannot wait for.

Lastly, the biggest change of them all. Spannerworks is no more. We are now officially iCrossing UK, digital agency supreme! On one hand, i am sad - Spannerworks brought me to Brighton and i will always intrinsically link this town to smiling Spannerworkers, new horizons, and distracting views of the sea behind Dean Harvey as he grilled me in the boardroom on my first nervous interview. But on the other hand..its all about the future. We are propelled 100mph out of the search pigeon hole..and become a connected digital marketing agency like no other. I had a wonderful session with a client recently where we told the story in a way we just couldnt before. The progression is so exciting. We are becoming the agency of the future. And that seals the deal for me.

ps Caroline 'Link Police' is that OK? :-)


Adam Boulton said...

Cheers for the link Will :)

Anonymous said...

Wicked post Will! So with you on the chicken thing as well.

Jason Ryan said...

thanks for the link Will, ;)